Openshift 4 Tasks


OpenShift Administrators Roles and Responsibilities.

  1. Capacity Planning

  2. Proof of concepts

  3. Cluster Installation and Upgrades

    • Set up new clusters, apply regular updates, and perform major upgrades. This includes managing Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager and leveraging tools like Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) for multi-cluster environments.
  4. User Management and Access Control

    • Implement role-based access control (RBAC) policies, manage users and permissions, and integrate authentication providers like LDAP or Active Directory.
  5. Storage Management

    • Configure persistent storage using OpenShift Container Storage (OCS) or other storage providers. Manage storage classes, Persistent Volumes (PVs), and Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) to ensure reliable data storage for applications.
  6. Networking and Ingress Configuration

    • Manage networking policies, routes, ingress controllers, and network security configurations. Tasks include setting up cluster networking (SDN or OpenShift SDN), load balancing, and managing multi-cluster networking with RHACM.
  7. Monitoring and Logging

    • Use Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring, and EFK/ELK stacks (Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana) for centralized logging. Set up alerting for resource utilization, network traffic, and error logs to proactively manage cluster health.
  8. Security Compliance and Vulnerability Management

    • Apply security patches, manage OpenShift’s integrated security features, and scan images for vulnerabilities. Enable features like the OpenShift Compliance Operator for automated security checks.
  9. Resource Optimization and Quota Management

    • Monitor and optimize resource usage (CPU, memory), and set quotas and limits for namespaces and projects to prevent resource exhaustion and ensure fair resource allocation.
  10. Backup and Disaster Recovery

    • Implement backup and restore strategies using tools like Velero for Kubernetes backups, Kasten, or Red Hat-supported backup solutions. DR planning includes setting up automated backups and validating restore procedures regularly.
  11. Operator Lifecycle Management (OLM)

    • Install, upgrade, and manage Operators for automating infrastructure components and applications. Ensure Operators are kept up-to-date and compatible with the OpenShift environment.
  12. Support and Troubleshooting

    • Regularly troubleshoot performance issues, manage logs, resolve configuration errors, and work with Red Hat Support or internal resources for escalations. Common issues include network latency, failed deployments, or resource constraints impacting applications.

These tasks keep an OpenShift 4 environment secure, high-performing, and aligned with organizational requirements, especially for production-grade clusters.

Updating SSH Keys on OpenShift 4 Nodes via MachineConfig

OpenShift 4 uses the Machine Config Operator (MCO) to manage node configurations. To update SSH keys across all master and worker nodes, create a MachineConfig resource to apply the new SSH public key.

Step 1: Generate a New SSH Key Pair (Optional)

If you don’t already have an SSH key pair, generate a new one on your local machine:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

This command creates two files:

  • ~/.ssh/id_rsa (private key)
  • ~/.ssh/ (public key)

Step 2: Create a MachineConfig YAML File for SSH Key Update

Create a YAML file, e.g., ssh-key-update.yaml, with the following content. Replace <your-ssh-public-key> with the actual content of your SSH public key.

kind: MachineConfig
  name: ssh-key-update
  labels: <node-role>  # Replace <node-role> with "worker" or "master"
      version: 3.2.0
        - name: core
            - "ssh-rsa <your-ssh-public-key>"
  • Set this to worker to target worker nodes or master to target master nodes.
  • sshAuthorizedKeys: Add your SSH public key here (the content of

Step 3: Apply the MachineConfig

  1. Apply the MachineConfig to your OCP 4 cluster:
oc apply -f ssh-key-update.yaml
  1. Monitor the rollout status to confirm that the update is applied across nodes:
oc get machineconfigpool

Wait until the UPDATED status is True for the respective machineconfigpool (e.g., worker or master).

Step 4: Verify the SSH Key Update

Once the rollout is complete, verify that you can SSH into the nodes as the core user:

ssh core@<node-ip>

This should authenticate using the updated SSH key.

Important Notes:

  • Do not manually modify SSH keys directly on nodes, as the Machine Config Operator will revert changes outside of its control.
  • Role-based MachineConfig: If you need different keys for master and worker nodes, create separate MachineConfig files, each with the appropriate label.
  • Automation: Changes applied with MachineConfig will persist across reboots and node replacements, aligning with OpenShift’s immutable infrastructure approach.

Adding an SSL Certificate to Trusted Store in OpenShift Cluster

To add an SSL certificate to the trusted store in an OpenShift cluster, follow these steps:

Step 1: Obtain the SSL Certificate

Make sure you have the SSL certificate file (e.g., my-certificate.crt) that you want to add to the trusted store.

Step 2: Create a ConfigMap or Secret

You can either use a ConfigMap or a Secret to store the SSL certificate. A Secret is recommended for sensitive data.

Create a Secret

  1. Create a Secret containing the SSL certificate:
oc create secret generic my-ssl-cert --from-file=ca.crt=my-certificate.crt -n <namespace>

Replace <namespace> with the desired namespace where you want to create the secret.

Create a ConfigMap (Optional)

If you choose to use a ConfigMap, you can create it with:

oc create configmap my-ssl-cert --from-file=my-certificate.crt -n <namespace>

Step 3: Configure the Trusted CA

To configure the OpenShift cluster to trust the SSL certificate, you need to add it to the appropriate configuration.

For Custom Certificates

  1. Edit the ClusterIP service to use the custom CA:
oc patch configmap/cluster --type merge -p '{"data":{"trust-ca.crt": "your-certificate-data"}}' -n openshift-config

Replace "your-certificate-data" with the actual contents of your SSL certificate.

Step 4: Update the API Server

  1. Edit the API server configuration to include your SSL certificate:
oc patch apiserver cluster --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"trustedCA":{"name":"my-ssl-cert"}}}'

Step 5: Restart Affected Pods

To apply the changes, you may need to restart the affected pods, such as the API server or any applications that need to trust the new certificate.

  1. Restart the affected pods:
oc rollout restart deployment/<deployment-name> -n <namespace>

Step 6: Verify the Configuration

  1. Verify that the certificate has been added to the trusted store: You can check the trusted certificates by accessing a pod and verifying the CA store:
oc exec -it <pod-name> -- cat /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem

Important Notes:

  • Always ensure you have the correct permissions to create secrets and modify configurations in the cluster.
  • Be cautious when handling sensitive information like SSL certificates.
  • Depending on your OpenShift version and setup, some steps may vary slightly.

As an OpenShift 4 administrator, managing SSL certificates is crucial for securing communications. This guide outlines common SSL-related tasks, including adding custom certificates, renewing certificates, and managing the default certificate.

Table of Contents

  1. Adding a Custom SSL Certificate
  2. Renewing SSL Certificates
  3. Updating the Default SSL Certificate
  4. Verifying SSL Certificates

Adding a Custom SSL Certificate

Step 1: Obtain the SSL Certificate

Ensure you have the SSL certificate files (e.g., my-certificate.crt and my-key.key).

Step 2: Create a Secret for the SSL Certificate

  1. Create a Secret containing the SSL certificate and key:
oc create secret tls my-tls-secret --cert=my-certificate.crt --key=my-key.key -n <namespace>

Replace <namespace> with the desired namespace.

Step 3: Configure Ingress or Routes to Use the Custom SSL Certificate

  1. Edit your Ingress or Route to reference the Secret:
kind: Route
  name: my-route
  namespace: <namespace>
    kind: Service
    name: my-service
    termination: edge
    certificate: |
      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----      
    key: |
      -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
      -----END PRIVATE KEY-----      

Renewing SSL Certificates

Step 1: Obtain the New SSL Certificate

Acquire the new SSL certificate files when it’s time to renew your certificate.

Step 2: Update the Existing Secret

  1. Update the Secret with the new certificate and key:
oc create secret tls my-tls-secret --cert=new-certificate.crt --key=new-key.key -n <namespace> --dry-run=client -o yaml | oc apply -f -

Step 3: Verify the Route

Ensure that the updated SSL certificate is being used:

oc get route my-route -n <namespace> -o yaml

Updating the Default SSL Certificate

Step 1: Create or Update a ConfigMap

If you need to update the default certificates for the cluster (e.g., for the API server), create or update a ConfigMap:

oc create configmap custom-ca --from-file=my-certificate.crt -n openshift-config --dry-run=client -o yaml | oc apply -f -

Step 2: Patch the API Server

  1. Patch the API server to use the new custom CA:
oc patch apiserver cluster --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"trustedCA":{"name":"custom-ca"}}}'

Verifying SSL Certificates

Step 1: Verify SSL Certificate in Use

You can verify which SSL certificate is currently in use for a route:

oc get route my-route -n <namespace> -o jsonpath='{.spec.tls}'

Step 2: Check the Certificate Chain

To check the certificate chain of a service, you can exec into a pod and use tools like openssl:

oc exec -it <pod-name> -- /bin/sh
openssl s_client -connect -showcerts

Important Notes:

  • Ensure you have the necessary permissions to manage secrets and configurations in OpenShift.
  • Always back up existing certificates and configurations before making changes.
  • Monitor the expiration of certificates and set reminders to renew them in advance.

Changing Configuration for All OpenShift Nodes

OpenShift 4 uses the Machine Config Operator to manage the configuration of nodes. To change the configuration for all nodes, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the Configuration Change

Determine what specific configuration you need to change. Common changes include:

  • Updating SSH keys
  • Modifying systemd services
  • Adjusting kernel parameters
  • Changing the default container runtime settings

Step 2: Create a MachineConfig

  1. Create a YAML file for the MachineConfig. For example, to update the SSH keys, create a file named update-ssh-keys.yaml with the following content:
kind: MachineConfig
  name: update-ssh-keys
  labels: worker # or master
      version: 3.2.0
        - name: core
            - "ssh-rsa <your-new-ssh-public-key>"

Replace <your-new-ssh-public-key> with the actual content of the new SSH public key.

  1. Apply the MachineConfig:
oc apply -f update-ssh-keys.yaml

Step 3: Monitor the Status of the Machine Config Pool

After applying the MachineConfig, you should monitor the status of the affected Machine Config Pool to ensure the changes are applied:

oc get machineconfigpool

Wait until the UPDATED status is True for the respective Machine Config Pool (e.g., worker or master).

Step 4: Verify the Configuration Change

  1. SSH into one of the nodes to verify the configuration change:
ssh core@<node-ip>
  1. Check the updated configuration as needed, for example, to verify SSH keys:
cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Step 5: Restart Affected Services or Pods

Some changes might require restarting affected services or pods. To restart the affected pods, you can use:

oc rollout restart deployment/<deployment-name> -n <namespace>

Important Notes

  • Machine Config Operator: Be cautious when using the Machine Config Operator, as incorrect configurations can lead to node failures.
  • Backup Existing Configurations: Always backup your existing configurations before making changes.
  • Node Role: Make sure to specify the correct node role (master or worker) in the labels of your MachineConfig.
  • Multiple Changes: If you have multiple changes to apply, consider creating a single MachineConfig that encapsulates all required changes, rather than creating multiple individual MachineConfigs.

This guide provides a structured approach to changing configurations for all OpenShift nodes. If you have specific configurations in mind or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

Changing Configuration for All OpenShift Nodes

OpenShift 4 uses the Machine Config Operator (MCO) to manage the configuration of nodes. This guide provides steps to modify systemd services, adjust kernel parameters, and change default container runtime settings.

Modifying Systemd Services

Step 1: Create a MachineConfig for Systemd Modifications

  1. Create a YAML file for the MachineConfig. For example, to modify a systemd service, create a file named modify-systemd.yaml with the following content:
kind: MachineConfig
  name: modify-systemd
  labels: worker # or master
      version: 3.2.0
        - name: my-service.service
          enabled: true
            - name: 10-my-custom.conf
              contents: |

Replace my-service.service and the Environment variables with your actual service name and configuration.

Step 2: Apply the MachineConfig

oc apply -f modify-systemd.yaml

Step 3: Verify the Change

SSH into the node and check the status of the modified service:

ssh core@<node-ip>
systemctl status my-service.service

Adjusting Kernel Parameters

Step 1: Create a MachineConfig for Kernel Parameters

  1. Create a YAML file for the MachineConfig. For example, to adjust kernel parameters, create a file named adjust-kernel-params.yaml with the following content:
kind: MachineConfig
  name: adjust-kernel-params
  labels: worker # or master
      version: 3.2.0
      - "parameter1=value1"
      - "parameter2=value2"

Replace parameter1=value1 and parameter2=value2 with the actual kernel parameters you need to set.

Step 2: Apply the MachineConfig

oc apply -f adjust-kernel-params.yaml

Step 3: Verify the Change

SSH into the node and check the current kernel parameters:

ssh core@<node-ip>
sysctl -a | grep parameter1

Changing the Default Container Runtime Settings

Step 1: Create a MachineConfig for Container Runtime Settings

  1. Create a YAML file for the MachineConfig. For example, to change container runtime settings, create a file named change-runtime-settings.yaml with the following content:
kind: MachineConfig
  name: change-runtime-settings
  labels: worker # or master
      version: 3.2.0
        - path: /etc/crio/crio.conf
          mode: 0644
          owner: root:root
            inline: |
              default_runtime = "my-runtime"
              runtime_type = "my-runtime"              

Replace my-runtime with your actual runtime settings.

Step 2: Apply the MachineConfig

oc apply -f change-runtime-settings.yaml

Step 3: Verify the Change

SSH into the node and check the runtime configuration:

ssh core@<node-ip>
cat /etc/crio/crio.conf

Step 4: Monitor the Machine Config Pool

After applying any of the MachineConfigs, monitor the Machine Config Pool:

oc get machineconfigpool

Wait until the UPDATED status is True for the respective Machine Config Pool (e.g., worker or master).

Important Notes:

  • Machine Config Operator: Be cautious when using the MCO, as incorrect configurations can lead to node failures.
  • Backup Existing Configurations: Always backup your existing configurations before making changes.
  • Node Role: Ensure to specify the correct node role (master or worker) in the labels of your MachineConfig.
  • Service Impact: Some changes may require restarting the affected services or pods for the changes to take effect.

This guide provides clear instructions on modifying systemd services, adjusting kernel parameters, and changing container runtime settings in OpenShift nodes. If you have specific requirements or additional questions, feel free to ask!

Upgrading OpenShift Cluster

Upgrading an OpenShift cluster requires careful planning and execution. This guide outlines the steps for upgrading an OpenShift cluster.


  1. Backup Important Data:

    • Backup your current cluster state, including etcd data and any custom resources.
  2. Review Release Notes:

  3. Check Compatibility:

    • Verify that your current version is compatible with the target version.
  4. Update CLI Tools:

    • Ensure you have the latest version of oc and openshift-install CLI tools that match the version you’re upgrading to.

Step 1: Prepare for the Upgrade

  1. Check Cluster Health:

    oc get nodes
    oc get pods --all-namespaces
    oc get clusteroperators
  2. Drain Nodes:

    • Start with the master nodes, draining them to prepare for the upgrade.
    oc adm drain <master-node-name> --ignore-daemonsets --force --delete-local-data
  3. Update Machine Configurations (if needed):

    • If there are any machine configurations that need updates before the upgrade, apply those changes now.

Step 2: Upgrade the Cluster

  1. Start the Upgrade Process:

    • Trigger the upgrade process using the OpenShift CLI.
    oc adm upgrade begin --to-image=<new-openshift-image>
  2. Monitor the Upgrade:

    • Check the status of the upgrade process.
    oc get clusterversion
  3. Allow Upgrade to Complete:

    • Wait for the upgrade process to complete. Ensure that all cluster operators are reporting as Available.

Step 3: Post-Upgrade Tasks

  1. Uncordon Nodes:

    • Once the upgrade is complete, uncordon the master nodes and worker nodes.
    oc adm uncordon <master-node-name>
    oc adm uncordon <worker-node-name>
  2. Check Cluster Health Again:

    oc get nodes
    oc get pods --all-namespaces
    oc get clusteroperators
  3. Update Machine Configurations (if necessary):

    • If there are additional machine configurations or settings required for the new version, apply those now.
  4. Validate Application Functionality:

    • Verify that all applications are functioning as expected after the upgrade.

Step 4: Clean Up

  1. Remove Old Images:

    • Clean up unused images from the nodes to free up space.
    oc adm prune images
  2. Monitor Cluster Performance:

    • Keep an eye on the cluster performance after the upgrade to ensure everything is running smoothly.

Important Notes

  • Upgrade Path: Always follow the recommended upgrade path (e.g., from 4.x to 4.y) as specified in the OpenShift documentation.
  • Test Upgrades: If possible, test the upgrade process in a staging environment before performing it in production.
  • Documentation: Refer to the official OpenShift Upgrade Documentation for detailed instructions specific to your version.

This guide provides a structured approach to upgrading your OpenShift cluster. If you have specific requirements or encounter issues during the upgrade process, feel free to ask for assistance!

Upgrading OpenShift Nodes in Batches

When upgrading an OpenShift cluster with multiple nodes, you can upgrade nodes in batches (e.g., three at a time) to minimize downtime and ensure a smooth transition.


  1. Backup Your Cluster: Before proceeding, back up your etcd and any critical application data.
  2. Review Release Notes: Check the OpenShift release notes for any breaking changes or important notes about the upgrade.
  3. Upgrade Plan: Decide on the upgrade order for your nodes (typically, master nodes are upgraded first, followed by worker nodes).

Step 1: Prepare for the Upgrade

  1. Check Cluster Health:

    oc get nodes
    oc get pods --all-namespaces
    oc get clusteroperators
  2. Drain the Nodes:

    • Start with the nodes you plan to upgrade. Drain three nodes at a time.
    for node in node1 node2 node3; do
        oc adm drain $node --ignore-daemonsets --force --delete-local-data

    Replace node1, node2, and node3 with the actual node names.

Step 2: Upgrade the Nodes

  1. Start the Upgrade Process:

    • Begin the upgrade for the selected nodes.
    for node in node1 node2 node3; do
        oc adm upgrade begin --to-image=<new-openshift-image> --node=$node

    Replace <new-openshift-image> with the image for the target OpenShift version.

  2. Monitor the Upgrade:

    • Check the status of the upgrade process for each node.
    oc get clusterversion

    Wait until the upgrade process completes for all three nodes.

Step 3: Uncordon the Nodes

  1. Uncordon the Upgraded Nodes:
    • Once the upgrade is complete, uncordon the nodes to make them schedulable again.
    for node in node1 node2 node3; do
        oc adm uncordon $node

Step 4: Repeat for Remaining Nodes

  1. Continue Upgrading:
    • Repeat the above steps for the next batch of three nodes until all nodes are upgraded.
    # Upgrade next batch
    for node in node4 node5 node6; do
        oc adm drain $node --ignore-daemonsets --force --delete-local-data
        oc adm upgrade begin --to-image=<new-openshift-image> --node=$node
        oc adm uncordon $node

Step 5: Post-Upgrade Verification

  1. Check Cluster Health Again:

    oc get nodes
    oc get pods --all-namespaces
    oc get clusteroperators
  2. Validate Application Functionality:

    • Ensure that all applications are functioning as expected after the upgrade.

Important Notes

  • Plan for Downtime: Upgrading nodes in batches may cause temporary unavailability for applications running on those nodes. Ensure your applications are resilient and can handle node failures.
  • Monitor Performance: After upgrading, monitor cluster performance and health metrics to ensure everything is running smoothly.
  • Follow Upgrade Path: Always adhere to the recommended upgrade paths specified in the OpenShift documentation.

By following this guide, you can effectively upgrade three nodes at a time in your OpenShift cluster. If you have any specific requirements or encounter issues during the upgrade process, feel free to ask for assistance!

How to change the no of node unavailable while upgrading

oc patch mcp worker --type merge --patch '{"spec": {"maxUnavailable": 2}}'

Verify the maxUnavailable value:

oc get mcp worker -o yaml | grep maxUnavailable

Modifying OpenShift Project Templates

OpenShift provides the ability to create and modify project templates, which define a standard set of resources and configurations that can be instantiated to create new projects or applications quickly. Modifying a project template allows you to customize default behaviors and settings for your applications.

Key Components of a Project Template

  • Parameters: Variables that can be customized when instantiating the template.
  • Objects: The resources that will be created when the template is applied (e.g., DeploymentConfigs, Services, Routes).
  • Labels and Annotations: Metadata for categorizing and describing resources.

Viewing Existing Templates

To view the templates available in your OpenShift environment, use:

oc get templates

Modifying a Template

You can modify an existing template by following these steps:

1. Export the Template

To export a template to a file for editing:

oc get template <template-name> -o yaml > template.yaml

Replace <template-name> with the name of the template you want to modify.

2. Edit the Template

Open the template.yaml file in your preferred text editor and make the necessary changes. Key areas to consider modifying:

  • Parameters: Add, remove, or change parameter definitions.
  • Objects: Modify or add resource specifications (e.g., change replicas in a DeploymentConfig).
  • Labels/Annotations: Update or add labels and annotations for better resource management.

3. Apply the Modified Template

Once you’ve made your modifications, you can apply the updated template back to OpenShift:

oc apply -f template.yaml

Adding Resource Quotas

Resource quotas are used to limit the amount of resources that can be consumed in a project. To add a resource quota to your template, include a ResourceQuota object in the objects section of the template:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
  name: example-quota
    requests.cpu: "4"
    requests.memory: "8Gi"
    limits.cpu: "4"
    limits.memory: "8Gi"

Adding LimitRanges

Limit ranges set default request and limit values for containers in a project. You can add a LimitRange object in the objects section of the template:

apiVersion: v1
kind: LimitRange
  name: example-limits
    - default:
        cpu: "500m"
        memory: "1Gi"
        cpu: "250m"
        memory: "512Mi"
      type: Container

Creating a New Template

If you want to create a new project template from scratch, you can use:

oc create -f <template-file>.yaml

Make sure to define parameters, objects, and metadata in the YAML file.

Example Template Structure

Here’s a simple example structure of a project template in YAML, including resource quotas and limit ranges:

kind: Template
  name: example-template
    app: example
  - name: APP_NAME
    description: The name of the application
    required: true
  - apiVersion: v1
    kind: ResourceQuota
      name: example-quota
        requests.cpu: "4"
        requests.memory: "8Gi"
        limits.cpu: "4"
        limits.memory: "8Gi"
  - apiVersion: v1
    kind: LimitRange
      name: example-limits
        - default:
            cpu: "500m"
            memory: "1Gi"
            cpu: "250m"
            memory: "512Mi"
          type: Container
  - apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: ${APP_NAME}
      replicas: 1
          app: ${APP_NAME}
            app: ${APP_NAME}
            - name: ${APP_NAME}
              image: nginx
                - containerPort: 80


Modifying OpenShift project templates is a powerful way to standardize application deployments and ensure consistency across projects. By using parameters, object definitions, resource quotas, and limit ranges effectively, you can create flexible and reusable templates tailored to your organization’s needs.

Configuring a Node Selector for a Project

oc adm new-project demo --node-selector "tier=1"
oc annotate namespace demo"tier=2" --overwrite

Applying Quotas to Multiple Projects

  • The following is an example of creating a cluster resource quota for all projects owned by the qa user:
oc create clusterquota user-qa \
> --project-annotation-selector \
> --hard pods=12,secrets=20

The following is an example of creating a cluster resource quota for all projects that have been assigned the environment=qa label:

oc create clusterquota env-qa \
> --project-label-selector environment=qa \
> --hard pods=10,services=5

Exposing the Internal OpenShift Registry

To expose the internal OpenShift registry externally:

Verify Registry Status

oc get pods -n openshift-image-registry

Expose the Registry Service

oc expose service image-registry -n openshift-image-registry --name=external-registry-route

Retrieve the Route URL

oc get route external-registry-route -n openshift-image-registry

# Output should be a URL like: https://external-registry-route.<cluster-domain>

Log in to the Registry using oc CLI

oc login -u <username> -p <password>
oc registry login

Alternatively, log in using Docker CLI

oc whoami -t  # Retrieve token
docker login -u <username> -p <token> https://external-registry-route.<cluster-domain>

Push and Pull Images


docker tag <image> external-registry-route.<cluster-domain>/<project>/<image>
docker push external-registry-route.<cluster-domain>/<project>/<image>


docker pull external-registry-route.<cluster-domain>/<project>/<image>

Overview of the openshift-config Namespace in OpenShift

The openshift-config namespace in OpenShift is a critical system namespace that stores configuration resources essential for the cluster’s operation, including settings for authentication, networking, and security.

Key Resources in openshift-config

1. Authentication and OAuth Configuration

  • OAuth (OAuth CR): Manages user authentication for the cluster.
    • Identity Providers: Configuration for providers like LDAP, GitHub, Google, OpenID Connect, etc.
    • OAuth Tokens: Settings for tokens used by applications or users to authenticate with the API.

2. Ingress and Proxy Configuration

  • Cluster Proxy (Proxy CR): Cluster-wide HTTP/HTTPS proxy settings for clusters behind firewalls or with limited internet access.
  • Cluster Ingress (Ingress CR): Default settings for external application exposure and the default domain for routes.

3. Network Configuration

  • DNS ConfigMap: Custom DNS configuration required by cluster applications.
  • Cluster-wide Network Settings: Configures network policies, network isolation, and other networking settings.

4. Certificate and Secret Management

  • Certificates for Internal Services: TLS certificates for internal cluster services like the API server and internal registry.
  • Trusted CA Bundle: CA bundle configuration for trusting external/internal certificates.

5. Image Registry Configuration

  • Registry ConfigMap: Settings for the internal OpenShift image registry (e.g., storage backend and access control).
  • Image Content Source Policies: Policies controlling allowed registries for image pulling and storage.

6. Etcd Configuration

  • Etcd Settings: Custom settings for the etcd data store, critical for OpenShift’s cluster state and configuration.

7. Cluster Operators Configuration

  • Configuration for various cluster operators affecting core components like networking, ingress, and monitoring.

8. Custom Configurations for OpenShift Components

  • Holds configurations for specific deployment needs, security hardening, or custom operational policies.

Summary of Key Resource Types in openshift-config

  • ConfigMaps
  • Secrets
  • Custom Resources: Like OAuth, Ingress, and Proxy

These configurations in openshift-config are essential for managing the functionality, security, and accessibility of the OpenShift cluster.