Openshift Baremetal
User Provisioned Infrastructure (UPI)
- Step 0 : Architecture Diagram
- Step 1: Setup KVM Infrastructure (On Hypervisor Node)
- Step 2: Create utility Virtual Machine
- Step 4: Install and Configure DHCP server
- Step 5: Configure OCP Zone on Bind DNS Server
- Step 6: Setup TFTP Service
- Step 7: Configure HAProxy as Load balancer
- Step 8: Install OpenShift installer and CLI binary
- Step 9: Generate ignition files
- Step 10: Create Bootstrap, Masters and Worker VMs (On Hypervisor Node)
- Step 11: Login to OpenShift CLI / Web Console
- Step 14: Troubleshooting Installation
- Step 12: Create other OpenShift Users
- Step 13:Configure storage for the Image Registry
- Step 15: OpenShift Virtualization - Run VMs on OpenShift with KubeVirt - Windows Server
- Step 16: NFS Storage Class with OpenShift & Kubernetes